Fulbright Forward

Gender Equality in Higher Education, Science and Research - Sandra Eder, Daniela Jauk, Simone Poetscher

FulbrightD&I Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode, Sandra Eder (Berkeley University), Daniela Jauk (University of Akron), Simone Poetscher (OSTA), and Susanne Hamscha (Regional Diversity Coordinator EUR) talk about gender equality and higher education in the US and Austria. Sandra and Daniela share how gender, class, and age factored into their career decisions, while Simone speaks from her rich experience of working with researchers and scientists. Sandra Eder and Daniela Jauk are both alums of Fulbright Austria; Simone collaborates with Fulbright in her capacity at OSTA and is also Connector in Chief at Thrycon.

Useful Links and Resources mentioned in the Podcast: